Katedra českého jazyka FF OU


Summer School 2019

From 26 August to 13 September 2019, the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, hosted the 2nd renewed year of the Ostrava Czech Language Summer School / Letní škola českého jazyka course. The course was attended by 1 participant from Japan and 6 participants from Germany.

 The schooling took place in two sessions. The morning part (4 lessons per day) was dedicated to Czech language and conversation classes, whereas the afternoons were reserved for lectures (on Czech history and literature, famous Czech people, and, of course, the Czech language, too), and film screenings (we watched Divided We Fall, Identity Card, Cosy Dens, and The Firemen’s Ball). Moreover, we organized two weekend all-day trips to the city of Kroměříž and the Pustevny resort, and one morning excursion to the Dolní Vítkovice area. The Czech Language Summer School was closed by a festive lunch and an informal evening get-together.

At the end of the course, the participants filled in evaluative questionnaires, considering the 2019 school an extraordinary success and expressing their unanimous satisfaction with it.

At the moment, we are slowly starting preparatory work for the next year’s school, and we are looking forward to organizing it.

Evaluation excerpts:

I am very happy and grateful that I got the possibility to participate.

The variety of special lessons was really nice and to meet all the teachers/people of the department with their specific topics/research fields was great. Maybe the first and last day could have been used for short language classes as well.

Myslím, že více diskutování mezi studenty na kurzu by bylo dobré./ I think more discussion among students on the course would be good.

I think this summer school is good for Exchange students who start studying at Ostrava University because the course is held before welcome week. I can adapt to new environment (in Ostrava) easily.

Thanks for all your patience and work you had with us. Maybe next time you could do more of those conversational afternoons instead of the movies. They really helped to practice free speaking ad I think that for learning Czech from the movies, our level of language wasn’t good enough. I felt very welcomed here. Please keep doing the summer school, it was a great experience with very kind people.

I really liked the summer school and have learned more Czech that I expected I would.