Katedra českého jazyka FF OU

OOME 2018 Registration



Payment Information

The payment includes participation in the conference, the publication of the book, conference services, light refreshments during coffee breaks and social events, and a tour of the Lower Vítkovice open-air museum.

To pay the registration fee, please send the exact sum by bank transfer to:

Account owner: Ostravská univerzita, Dvořákova 7, 701 03 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Identification number: 61988987,
Tax Identification number: CZ61988987
Bank: Česká národní banka Ostrava, Nádražní 1078/4, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Account number: 931761
Bank code: 0710
Variable code: 254212
IBAN: CZ 6507100000000000931761

Please include your surname and the abbreviation OOME in the description of your payment; this will enable us to match the payment with your registration.

The payment is ONLY accepted in CZK.

Please ensure all bank transfer fees are covered by the payer.